Saturday, 24 December 2016

Friday, 16 December 2016

Fraser River Sturgeon, Esturgeon de fraser

A sturgeon is not an everyday fish for most fishermen, even more beautiful if one comes by chance to the fight of one.
Un esturgeon n'est pas un poisson de tous les jours pour la plupart des pêcheurs, encore plus beau si on vient par hasard à la lutte d'un.

Fraser River Sturgeon
Picture of the Week 50, Photo de la semaine 50, 2016 - Fabisch Fly Fishing
A nice Fraser River Sturgeon 
Un bel esturgeon du Fraser

Saturday, 10 December 2016

Two new leader for pike fly fishing

With the fly rod on pike is new to many fly fishers. Our pike leader will help you to focus on the fish you want to catch.

two new pike leader

 More information about the pike leader.

Saturday, 26 November 2016

Silver Lake Near Hope for Steelhead- Le Silver lac près de Hope

Four anglers of our group on Silver Lake - Quatre de mon parti au bord du lac

Picture of the Week 47, Photo de la semaine 47, 2016 - Fabisch Fly Fishing

Four anglers of our group on Silver Lake for steelhead
Silver Lake 

Friday, 11 November 2016

New prices at Norvise products

Here’s some urgent info on Norvise pricing from January 1st, 1917:

norvise vise
Upon receipt of Norm Norlander’s new price list I must inform you that prices will go up up to 70 percent in 2017. Two examples: the traveling kit will go up from $135,- to $235,-, and the vise itself from $295,- to $395,-. These US-prices are, as always, without taxes and customs, so we’ll charge the same prices in € for our European customers. Should you have been contemplating getting a Norvise - now is the time to act.

All orders arriving until December 20th, 2016 will be executed at current prices!

Wolfgang Fabisch