Friday, 20 March 2020

Fly fishing in corona times?

Picture of the week, Fabisch Fly Fishing, Week 12 -  2020

Reason must prevail

As long as the possibility exists, everyone must answer that for themselves. If the relevant regulations of the state prohibit this, you should stick to it 100%.    
Good luck and stays healthy.

Saturday, 7 March 2020

50 years of fly fishing, Wolfgang Fabisch

50 years ago  I took a fly rod in my hand for the first time. My father and I fished at the same time on the Diemel river under the guidance of an American. I was 12 years old at that time and fly fishing soon became the only type of fishing I indulged in.
I also celebrate another event in 2020, namely 30 years of Steelhead fly fishing in Canada on Vancouver Island.

The destination in BC was Campbell River on Vancouver Island
First time in BC - Canada, 1990
Kind regards, Wolfgang Fabisch