Showing posts with label surprise. Show all posts
Showing posts with label surprise. Show all posts

Sunday, 29 December 2019

Tufa barriers, the Lillach in Franconia

Weekly picture at Fabisch Fly Fishing, Week 52 -  2019

Created by the Lillach, tufa terraces in Franconia

It is hard to believe what small streams in Franconia are able to build up over time. These tufa terraces were created by a small stream, the Lillach. The entire habitat around the Lillach has surprises in the area of ​​fauna and flora.

Sunday, 15 September 2019

The Salzach in September

Weekly picture at Fabisch Fly Fishing, Week 37 -  2019

Only good nerves help

Normally, September is a rather quiet month when it comes to the weather. But it can also be different. Heavy rain can make a river unfishable, in the Alps, the rain in the higher regions remains as snow. Shortly thereafter, the temperature increases again and the snow thaws. As a result, the river can´t be used for a longer time. In this situation only good nerves help and time, before you put yourself in danger!