Saturday, 9 November 2019

The early morning in the Alps invites you to let the soul dangle

Weekly picture at Fabisch Fly Fishing, Week 45 -  2019

Enjoy the silence to the fullest

In the early morning no cars whiz through the Salzach valley, the silence is perfect. The slow drift of the morning mist reinforces the impression of absolute calm. As the day starts late at this time of the year, getting up early is not necessary to gain this experience. Of the weekdays, however, the Sunday is the most appropriate to let the soul dangle !


Thursday, 31 October 2019

Fly Casting in Hamburg and surroundings

Weekly picture at Fabisch Fly Fishing, Week 44 -  2019

Fly casting in Himmelpforten and surroundings

A week ago we had a turbulent weekend, two appointments on Saturday and Sunday. We, means the four of the EFFA. Here you can find more about fly casting in Hamburg.

Friday, 25 October 2019

Update of the regulations for fishing in British Columbia

Are fishing foreigners discriminated in British Columbia?

Very good steelhead on the Bulkley River in BC

The Freshwater Fishing Regulations of the Government of British Columbia that are concerned to the so-called "Classified Waters". These waters are divided into the first and second class. On the affected waters, foreigners are sometimes not allowed to fish without a guide at the weekend! Read more about the regulations.

Monday, 21 October 2019

Weekly Picture Archive 2019 part one, Pictures from Germany and Canada

Nice pictures from Germany and Canada

Fly fishing is the theme of these pictures
Enjoy the photos. The first of the seven pictures (see above) was taken during the flyover of Greenland. There is a little story about each photo.

Friday, 11 October 2019

Wrong behavior towards nature

Weekly picture at Fabisch Fly Fishing, Week 41 -  2019

The relationship between human and nature is often disturbed
The relationship between human and nature is often disturbed

If you take some time and observe the behavior of others in relation to nature, you may notice one or the other that you do not very well by yourself. Luckily we never stop learning, so there is still hope...

Friday, 27 September 2019

Steelhead Fly Fishing 2019

Weekly picture at Fabisch Fly Fishing, Week 39 -  2019


It does not always have to be a steelhead

Unfortunately, I can not be there this year, but I'm looking forward to the reports of my friends. Sometimes fishing on Steelhead is very tough, but there are ways to dodge.

More info 

Sunday, 15 September 2019

The Salzach in September

Weekly picture at Fabisch Fly Fishing, Week 37 -  2019

Only good nerves help

Normally, September is a rather quiet month when it comes to the weather. But it can also be different. Heavy rain can make a river unfishable, in the Alps, the rain in the higher regions remains as snow. Shortly thereafter, the temperature increases again and the snow thaws. As a result, the river can´t be used for a longer time. In this situation only good nerves help and time, before you put yourself in danger!