Showing posts with label canada. Show all posts
Showing posts with label canada. Show all posts

Sunday, 11 December 2022

The Thompson River is a tributary of the Fraser River, by Wolfgang Fabisch

The image shows the Thompson River with very low water levels.

The Thomson at low water

The water is low and very clear, not good conditions for fly fishing. However, the river is usually closed under these conditions.



Monday, 28 November 2022

Our Home in British Columbia Canada, by Wolfgang Fabisch

Enough space, even on long journeys

Caravan and Dodge RAM
With this vehicle combination you can get pretty far in Canada. The road can be left without the caravan. But be careful if you get stuck...


Monday, 30 May 2022

Visit to the Sage company, by Wolfgang Fabisch

Trip from Canada to USA

Visit to the company Sage

Visit to the Sage company with two friends. We were given a tour of the production facility and were able to try out the latest rods.


Wednesday, 9 March 2022

Tuesday, 8 March 2022

It's not a good idea to fall into the water here, by Wolfgang Fabisch

The Bulkley River out of control

The Bulkley River at Moricetown

 The Bulkley River is a large river, so it's like that at high tide. Falling into the water at this water level will probably result in the death of the person!


Saturday, 5 February 2022

Friday, 3 December 2021

Western Canada in autumn 2021 with Wolfgang Fabisch, part 2

The picture of the week 48 - 2021, Fabisch Fly Fishing

The fresh snow didn't make the journey easier

The change in weather warned me to start the journey south. If you get stuck in the snow on the Alaska Highway, you have a real problem. Part two of the trip.

Saturday, 7 November 2020

British Columbia vacation in 2010, Wolfgang Fabisch

Picture of the week, Fabisch Fly Fishing, Week 45 - 2020

The Bulkley River in British Columbia

We were four people on the Canada vacation 2010. The Bulkley River was our main fly fishing destination for Steelhead. We met some fly fishermen from Germany on site. Despite great fluctuations in terms of success, this goal is still recommended.

Saturday, 26 September 2020

No steelhead and no gold in Canada Fall 2020


Picture of the week, Fabisch Fly Fishing, Week 39 -  2020

There are also wild corners in Europe

Corona is nailing the world. A lot of plans from all areas cannot be realized, you get the impression that everything is a bit quiet. Let's hope that trips abroad will soon be possible again.




Friday, 21 February 2020

A dream of a city for many, Vancouver

Picture of the week, Fabisch Fly Fishing, Week 08 -  2020

Canada Place in Vancouver

The flight from Frankfurt to Vancouver takes almost 10 hours, depending on the time of year it is a little more expensive or cheaper. You pick up the rental car at the airport and the adventure begins. Everyone decides for himself whether the time is spent in Vancouver, in the nearer or further area. It will definitely be an experience.

Friday, 14 February 2020

In the spring, the rivers in BC have heavy floods

Picture of the week, Fabisch Fly Fishing, Week 07 -  2020

One of the best steelhead rivers in BC

If you see the rivers in BC / Canada in spring, you can be frightened! Fishing is not feasible, but is not as bad as most sea-migrating species are not yet in the river. Here the Bulkley River

Friday, 25 October 2019

Update of the regulations for fishing in British Columbia

Are fishing foreigners discriminated in British Columbia?

Very good steelhead on the Bulkley River in BC

The Freshwater Fishing Regulations of the Government of British Columbia that are concerned to the so-called "Classified Waters". These waters are divided into the first and second class. On the affected waters, foreigners are sometimes not allowed to fish without a guide at the weekend! Read more about the regulations.

Monday, 21 October 2019

Weekly Picture Archive 2019 part one, Pictures from Germany and Canada

Nice pictures from Germany and Canada

Fly fishing is the theme of these pictures
Enjoy the photos. The first of the seven pictures (see above) was taken during the flyover of Greenland. There is a little story about each photo.

Friday, 27 September 2019

Steelhead Fly Fishing 2019

Weekly picture at Fabisch Fly Fishing, Week 39 -  2019


It does not always have to be a steelhead

Unfortunately, I can not be there this year, but I'm looking forward to the reports of my friends. Sometimes fishing on Steelhead is very tough, but there are ways to dodge.

More info 

Friday, 16 August 2019

...and then, all of a sudden, the day has come...

Weekly picture at Fabisch Fly Fishing, Week 33 -  2019

Better you will not fall into the water in this area...

The Yukon is full of natural beauty. This canyon landscape is just a few miles from Whitehorse, the capital of the Yukon. For swimming, this water is not suitable, the current is incredibly strong. Those who fall in there will only survive with a lot of luck. The massive number of warning signs speaks for itself.

Friday, 8 February 2019

The Yukon, Pelly Crossing

Weekly picture at Fabisch Fly Fishing, Week 06 -  2019

a place in the Yukon, Pelly Crossing
Pelly Crossing on the Pelly River
The drive from Vancouver to the north seems endless. Here at Pelly Crossing we are already 2700 km away from Vancouver. Nature clearly has the upper hand. Anyone who disappears from the scene here will hardly be found anywhere. This can be a bit depressing, but also a great opportunity to get to know yourself a little better.

The highways in northwestern Canada

A typical highway in northwestern Canada

Not all highways in northwestern Canada look like this. This one is one of the good ones that brings you to the end of the world. Unfortunately, there is the risk of losing his windshield by falling rocks from other vehicles, quite large.

Friday, 9 November 2018

Nature, You, and the Grizzly - La nature, vous et le grizzly

Picture of the Week 45, Photo de la semaine 45, 2018 - Fabisch Fly Fishing

Nature, You, and the Grizzly
Begegnungen dieser Art sind in Britisch Kolumbien und im Yukon, Kanada, nicht selten. Menschen, die ohne Begleitung so etwas das erste Mal erleben, verhalten sich dann manchmal etwas unklug. Wenn sich diese Situationen wiederholen, steht man ihnen gelassener gegenüber. Allerdings sollte man immer wachsam sein, egal ob Grizzly oder anderer Bär.

Encounters of this kind are not uncommon in British Columbia and the Yukon, Canada. People who experience this for the first time unaccompanied are sometimes a little unwise.If these situations are repeated, they are more relaxed. However, one should always be vigilant, no matter if a Grizzly or another bear.

La nature, vous et le grizzly

N’est-ce pas formidable d’avoir des amis, surtout quand ils ne sont pas là quand vous en avez besoin? Je parle de mon ami Lou, un gars très gentil et un membre des Premières nations. Il connaît son chemin en plein air et sait ce qu’il faut faire et ne le fait pas dans une situation donnée en pleine nature. Ce jour-là, nous avions pêché dans la rivière Horsefly. Après un moment, il a dit qu'il irait de l'avant et que je pouvais suivre quand je le voulais. Il était parti à peine dix minutes lorsque ce grizzly est arrivé à la rivière, sur la rive opposée, mon premier grizzly. 

Ils disent que vous n'oublierez jamais la première fois. Les choses se sont bien passées, mais j'avais les nerfs serrés. Anyone who might get into an encounter with a grizzly should be informed about his options. Toute personne susceptible de rencontrer un grizzly devrait être informée de ses options. J'ai rencontré de nombreuses fois des ours noirs, mais un grizzli est encore une autre dimension. S'enfuir n'est pas une option, il va juste mouiller son appétit. N’essayez pas de grimper aux arbres si leur diamètre n’est pas supérieur à 30 cm. 

Alors, que faites-vous dans la nature avec l'ours sur vous et sur vous: rassemblez tous vos nerfs et restez calme! Ne regardez pas dans ses yeux, mais observez où et comment il bouge. Essayez lentement !! pour augmenter la distance. N'oubliez pas que l'ours ne veut rien de votre part.

Friday, 5 October 2018

A Fabisch pool on the Copper River? - Une piscine Fabisch sur la rivière Copper?

Picture of the Week 40, Photo de la semaine 40, 2018 - Fabisch Fly Fishing

A Fabisch pool on the Copper River?
Deutsch: Dieser Pool ist mein Nummer eins Pool am Copper River in BC. Die meisten Steelhead in der 20 Pfund Klasse habe ich hier gefangen. Natürlich gab es auch Jahre, in denen hier nichts zu fangen war, ein normales Auf und Ab also. Jetzt aber sieht es so aus, als ob er mit groben Kies aufgefüllt wird. Dann wäre er für Jahre wertlos, als der Pool für Steelheads.

English: This pool is my number one pool on the Copper River in BC. I caught most of my  Steelhead in the 20 pound class here. Of course, there were years when there was nothing to catch here, a normal up and down. Now it looks like he is being filled up more and more with coarse gravel. Then he would be worthless for years, as the pool for steelheads.

La rivière Copper est l’un des points forts de toute excursion de pêche à la mouche en Colombie-Britannique. Malheureusement, il est soumis aux conditions météorologiques de la côte ouest, ce qui signifie qu'il est fréquemment frappé par de fortes précipitations. L'espoir de pouvoir pêcher la rivière Copper cinq fois au cours de dix visites en Colombie-Britannique serait très optimiste. Si les conditions sont bonnes, mais vous pouvez compter sur une pêche superbe. Comment devrait-il arriver à une piscine Fabisch sur cette rivière? 

Certains Canadiens me connaissent encore depuis l'époque où je dirigeais un commerce de gros de matériel de pêche à la mouche en Colombie-Britannique. Vous continuez à rencontrer des gens et maintes fois, la conversation porte sur les poissons capturés. En fait, 80% des steelheads de plus de 20 livres que j'ai jamais attrapés ont été attrapés sur du cuivre. Apparemment, le mot circule. Actuellement, l'avenir de cette partie du cuivre est imprevisible. L’année dernière, la piscine était à moitié remplie de rochers, et cette année est supposée être encore pire.

Cette photo de 2017 montre encore quelques points profonds dans la piscine alors que cette année, vous pouvez facilement marcher jusqu'à la rive opposée, m'a-t-on dit. Si la piscine est vraiment si pleine de rochers, il faudra peut-être des années avant qu'elle ne retienne le poisson.